
Mifepristone (RU 486), and Misoprostol, are drugs used in regimens for medical termination of early pregnancies. These drugs are given by mouth or placed in the woman’s vagina. These drugs cause abortion by causing the uterus to contract and expel the fetus and placenta.
Medical abortion is a way to end a pregnancy by using abortifacient drugs as an alternative to surgical procedures. The Food and Drug Administration allows this type of abortion up to 36 days (6 weeks) after the last menstrual period.

The gestational age must be determined before a physician can administer these drugs to a pregnant woman
After receiving these drugs, you might experience cramping and bleeding, pass clots, tissue, and the fetus within hours or days. Some amount of bleeding is common following a medical abortion.

The physician administering the medicines (such as Mifepristone RU 486) for medical termination of early pregnancy must be able to provide surgical intervention or have made plans for provision
Your doctor will tell you when you need to return to be checked, you will be instructed when to return for an important follow-up visit. Your doctor will determine whether your pregnancy has completely ended. If you are still pregnant, a surgical procedure could be necessary.

Possible Complications of Non-surgical Abortion
Incomplete abortion – very rarely – possibly requiring a surgical abortion procedure.
Heavy bleeding – very rarely.
Painful cramping.
Allergic reaction to drugs – very rarely.
Nausea and/or vomiting.
Infection – very rarely – an infection develops in the uterus. Medication might be needed to clear infection.
Fertility can be diminished in very rare instances as a consequence of infection.
Very rarely – emergency treatment for any of the above problems, including the possible need to treat with an operation, medicines, or blood transfusion.   Very rarely – death.   Wants you have started the process and decide that you have had a change of mind you should be aware that mifepristone and misoprostol can cause serious birth defects if your pregnancy does not end.